Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kakleidesigns-Azur Fall Master Poetry Collaborative Kit

It's all about this period of the year where bears goes to sleep and people get cozy in the house after a good day of fruit and veggie picking. It's that time of the season where trees are changing colors and offers us a wonderful landscape every day. It's a wonderful period that you should get to enjoy even while scrap-booking.

You can find this amazing collaborative kit exclusively at CoolScrapsDigital.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Walk in the Woods by Azur Scrap

Top layout is my younger son, Jeff.
Bottom layout is of my niece, Barbara.
This beautiful new kit can be found at CoolScrapsdigital and Scrapbird.

The Blue Sea by Eudora Designs

          Available exclusively at Pickleberrypop